Friday, March 23, 2012

Race is Zero.

That's right.

It doesn't count for much, not at least if we're talkin' about having solid character

Should I date White Girls?


Big question.

Should you? This is ALL up to you, friend

Piece of advice: you have to be MUUUUUUCH better than what they can get before they consider you. That's if you want to get respect.

What about Asian girls w/ white guys?

Leave them alone.

Make your own. It's a mark of strength to stand on your own two feet, to be appreciated for who you are & not because you're so and so [insert nationality/heritage] here.

I found those set-ups to be weird and "insensitizing".

Define, "insensitizing" : To make u insensitive
Yes, that's word making for you.

Should I go for white girls w/ Asian fetishes?

Or girls in general w/ Asian fetishes for that matter?


Again, it's NO.

Why do i say this? Well, I hate to say this but often times the girls who will care for you the most are of the same blood/heritage. This isn't true all the time, but it often is true.

It's hard to genuinely care for someone you do not know at heart.

So if a girl is into anime/cosplay and she is not Asian OR she isn't really attractive to you - I suggest              you stay away.

Sorry ladies.

I'm feelin' it right now! Where do I get it?

Well, you're not gonna do well w. girls if you're h (read: horny) all the time.

It freaks them out. It's yuck, plain & simple.

Patience is a quality of kings, who have everythin'

Be patient

i mean, you're WAAAAAAy more likely to make 'forever mistakes' if you rushin' too quick

Should I be an a**hole or a dou**ebag to attract girls?

You really wanna know?

If you want to get hated by others or hurt, do that.

It's not like in the movies man. Real life is different. The consequences can last u longer than u think


Virginity is a very PERSONAL matter. Extremely personal.

It's like a fragile jewel.

If broken, a part of you will be freed or released. I mean many young people are all covered up and wrapped in sheets until they experience their first time.

First time has to mean something for you, otherwise it's lost.

If you ever decide to finally give that up, I'd say go for someone you like & respect. And this goes esp. for the guys, NEVER do it with just any female who's available. You might regret it.

Make sure that 100 yrs later, you wouldn't have regretted that choice.

About our Asian sisters

I notice a lot of Asian girls will mess w/ a guy of another nationality or affinity.

But deep down who they luv is an Asian guy..

...learned, by experience.


What does S.I.Z. mean?

Sex is Zero.

It's the title of that Korean movie.

Why is that? Well, sex only lasts you for a couple of minutes or hours or however long it takes - yet the mark it does can stay for a lifetime.

Could be a good experience?! Or a bad one? Or an illness

Or that, or some responsibility you're not ready to handle.

Make your own playbook.

I've seen guys who pulled off incredible stunts in tryin' to meet the girls they like.

It's all for kicks

I done my part but I'm not tellin'

Make your own playbook. Take stock of what has worked for u before & apply it later on, it's called "material" & your material grows as u grow as a person. Cheap tricks alone get u nowhere, it's guts & bravery that gets u ev'ry where, well not ev'ry where but simply - to experiences you've never had before.

By that I mean make your own style. If you browse through the legions of misinformation on the intern't you're sure to find lots of whack jobs.

There's tons. It leads otherwise good young guys into a snare for their soul. I'm not kiddin'

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why is it called 'game'

Because it's for youth! For the young at heart

Well, it means you have to have fun. And don't take it too seriously.. you don't have to get laid. It's those guys who fu** things up

It's best to approach it with a lighthearted easy going manner. Happy if you win, happy if you don't.
It's like flirtation & playin' w sparklers all rolled into one. It's not fun if you're too serious.

I mean bottom line is you're having fun, a lot of dudes do it for validation but some just want to feel like they're attractive and accepted.

And 'the rules of the game' change according the culture & the social situation. So know what's appropriate.

Boy, i sound like i'm spoutin' nonsense here haha.

A simple note for You all.

When it comes to 'game', you need to meet someone who's to your level or higher. Don't aim low.

That way you get better.

Whether you wanna meet a cute pal, find an older sis to hang around w/ or simply to meet new people - be a good chap & you'll be rewarded.

If you can't do that, there's no point.

And don't low jab the other person. That means showing you actually do like them then hitting them below the belt when they least expect it.

Inspire w/ music

Asian celebrities w/ game.

Well, these aren't major celebrities yet.

However, take a look and learn.  :)

Introducing rappers IZ and Lil Crazed. Observe this music video, dear reader. This is "game" if you may.

Girlfriend - By rappers: Thai, IZ feat. Tommy C., J. Reyez, & Lil Crazed

Watch the segments from 2:49 to 3:12 and 3:50 to 4:29.

Did you watch it? What do you think?

Let's face it.

It's a myth that all girls want to get married. That's not true man.

I know not everyone is goin' to get married. Not everyone is going to get laid.
Not everyone is going to stay married. And not everyone is meant for boyfriend x girlfriend.

Then why do we need to 'game', B?!

It's just technique, it's simply there to bring u from pt. A to pt. B while keepin' your dignity & self-respect intact.

It's not there for you to do dishonest things (or hurt other people). That isn't cool. And that doesn't last.

Well you know, if we live in a perfect world where honest people get honest jobs then we wouldn't
need parlor tricks like this.

First Off.

There are a couple of matters I have to address for any Asian homie who reads this.

First off.

Politics. I know a lot of Asian blokes worry that our Asian sisters date white guys/black guys bla bla.

I say don't worry. Really now.

If anything, forget politics. Learn manners.

Whining doesn't get you anywhere with the ladies. You need to step it up. And by stepping it up, I mean improve yourself. Constantly. It never ends. It always has to happen one way or another.

Now, i know a lot of you "identity politics" freaks (like i was in college before) think it's a great injustice that you're not getting laid.

I say u need to STFU. It's your responsibility to be getting "cool badges" for yourself.