Friday, March 11, 2016

Insights from this video


You can only improve yourself. You can't help other people.

Skill first, Confidence second

Johnny Wolf

Sexual is important for Asian guys' game

Put your ego aside so you know your strength and weaknesses


When you have options, you don't have to tolerate disrespect for women. You have power to decide who to be and you never have to settle for second best.

Determine the end in mind, work backwards from there..

You need to put ego aside, at one point.

"We don't know what our real goals are"
-Johnny Wolf

Strive to be a billionaire.
Even if you fail, let's say you make a couple of million dollars.. at least you have skills, you have something.
That's better than you not taking a chance at all. You always end up better when you take a chance.

Is sleeping with a hundred women really your long term goal?